
Stitch a day

Tunisian Stitch

I have been sewing for years, but consider myself a crochet novice. Somehow I have crocheted a few blankets and baby gifts. Right now, I am attempting Tunisian crochet. The photos in books don’t seem to help, so I searched online. I found an excellent tutorial video series on YouTube.

They have videos for knitters as well. I seem to learn best when I can see it action.

Easter Bunny


Easter is fast approaching and I came across this delightful bunny pattern. Seems like a great stash buster. This weekend is clear. I may have to try it out – too cute to pass up.

View and Learn


A great place to learn, well nearly everything, is at lynda.com. They provide software training for many software programs. I generally visit when I need a quick answer for Illustrator or Photoshop, but it has also been helpful when learning a whole new skill set – like Keynote.

And truth be told – I have used it extensively for Excel… Not a fan!

You can preview some videos before you buy. For the membership cost of just under $400, you get access to any and all videos for a full year. That amount doesn’t even start to cover your three-day conference registration fee, along with travel and hotel!

Plus, you can view them anytime, anywhere.

More Baby on the Brain

So I just couldn’t make up my mind and started looking under crochet. Found many adorable free patterns. Unfortunately, my skills didn’t match the cuteness. Twice I pulled the plug while watching college football. May go back to the sewing choices…

Baby Beanie

Baby Beanie










Love the big flower!

Big Flower

Baby on the Brain

No, not mine! Have a co-worker who is expecting and just got the shower evite. Of course I had to scour the internet and Pinterest to find some ideas. Came across a lot of cuteness and haven’t decided yet. Part of the fun (most of it) is in the planning. Here are some possibilities I came across.

Baby Sleep Sack


Ruffle Blanket

Ruffle Blanket